2 Bed Studio
These are studios for two people. They have two single beds, a bathroom, a kitchen and balcony. They are located both on the ground and first floor. Each studio is 20 m2 in space and they all have views to the sea and the garden.
- Adults: 2
- Amenities: {:en}Air conditioning{:}{:it}Aria condizionata{:}{:el}Κλιματισμός{:}, {:en}Bathroom towels & hairdryer{:}{:it}Asciugamani e asciugacapelli{:}{:el}Πετσέτες και στεγνωτήρας μαλλιών{:}, {:en}Daily maid service{:}{:it}Servizio di pulizia giornaliero{:}{:el}Καθημερινός καθαρισμός δωματίου{:}, {:en}Kitchen cooker & fridge{:}{:it}Fornello e frigorifero{:}{:el}Κουζίνα & ψυγείο{:}, {:en}Private parking{:}{:it}Parcheggio privato{:}{:el}Ιδωτικό πάρκινγκ{:}, {:en}Safe{:}{:it}Cassaforte{:}{:el}Χρηματοκιβώτιο{:}, {:en}TV LED{:}{:it}TV LED{:}{:el}Τηλεόραση LED{:}, {:en}Wi-fi{:}{:it}Wi-fi{:}{:el}Wi-fi{:}
- View: Sea, garden
- Size: 20m²
- Bed Type: Twin single beds
- Categories: {:en}Double room{:}{:it}Camera doppia{:}{:el}Δίκλινο{:}